new temp

Monday, February 28, 2011

Another week

We had a good week this week lots of fun stuff like always...

This week me and Ati got back to our crazy schedule ... The week started off with Ati figuring out how to get out of her carseat !This girl keeps us all on our toe's! So we went out and got her a new one, so many to choose from and so many options... So after two days of shopping and testing her out in two we decided on the girly one not only because of the color but the safety because one day we will be able to drive to Henderson !

Also this week was the Mother/Son Bowling it was so nice to be able to spend the evening with my son! We had alot of fun Aiden enjoyed being able to hang out with his friends and play after school hours. Aiden has grown up so fast I don't know where the time has gone. I remember when it was just me and him against the world,I miss those days but am so happy to have such a beautiful caring son & big brother that we all love so much.Ati misses him so much when he is away!

Here are some pic's from the week, Enjoy :)
How she really feels about the car !
Her New Carseat 
Aiden & Mommy at Bowling Night 

Dr Atianna Ferdman wearing her New Favorite PJ's (she loves Elmo so did Aiden )!

All dressed up 

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

First Blog

So I finally did it I started working on a Blog :) I feel like such a stay at home Mom with one but I know it will be fun for some to read ! So I have decided to give it a shot...

Well I just got back from Henderson with the Hubby. Ati & Me had a great time but we really missed our Aiden & all of family at home. We flew out there because Ati is a princess and refuses to drive for anything longer then 20mins. She is so spoiled, and knows it ! She is such a good flier though which is such a relief to Mommy. She loves to watch the plane take off through the window & of course have the capability to eat at a moments notice helps:) Andrea came to visit and Ati just loved it !! She even took 3 steps for drea & her daddy! I am so happy Robert was able to see a first he was so afraid he wasn't going to see :) I can't believe how quickly Ati is growing up we are even already thinking about her 1st birthday :( I wish it would all just slow down. While in Henderson Aiden wrote me emails! So exciting that even though his punk of a father wont let him speak with me while he is there Aiden finds away to let me know he is ok, It also made my whole day to open the note saying he loved us & was missing us ! It is so nice to be home & be with my little man but we do miss our Daddy ! He is doing so well and making us so proud! He continues to stay in the top 10 of his class and working on those connections to bring him back to Cali (Home)!

This weekend is the Mother Son school event for Aiden so excited have a date with my boy !

I will try to remember to keep up with the blog even though I know drea is laughing as she reads this, and is probably planning to get me one of those" I love my life as Mom & Wife" licence plates !

Here is Couple Photo's from our visit
An old Pic I found of Aiden I think he is around Ati's Age 

Ati at the Airport 

Daddy gave Ati her bath 

Getting in trouble !

Our Princess in the Tutu I made her while at Daddy's